🏴‍☠️ Buccaneer's Training Manual: TypeScript & Bun Exercises


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • Familiarity with TypeScript
  • Understanding of Bun runtime (or willingness to learn)

🏴‍☠️ Buccaneer’s Training Manual: TypeScript & Bun Exercises

Ahoy, ambitious sailor! Ready to prove yourself worthy of joining the TypeScript crew? These challenges will test your mettle and transform you from a lowly cabin boy into a seasoned TypeScript captain!

Whether you’re new to TypeScript or looking to sharpen your skills, this manual offers a series of exercises designed to enhance your understanding of TypeScript and the Bun runtime. So grab your compass and set sail on this coding adventure!

🗺️ Table of Contents

  1. Basic Navigation: TypeScript Types
    • Exercise 1: The Crew Manifest
    • Exercise 2: Ship’s Cargo
  2. ⚔️ Battle Stations: Functions & Error Handling
    • Exercise 3: Calculate Plunder Share
  3. 🎯 Advanced Maneuvers: Working with Bun
    • Exercise 4: Event Processing
  4. 🗡️ Sword Fighting: Database Operations
    • Exercise 5: The Ship’s Log
  5. 🌊 High Seas Challenge: Build a Mini-Project
    • Exercise 6: The Pirate’s Logbook
  6. 🏆 Captain’s Challenge: System Design
    • Exercise 7: Scale the Fleet
  7. 🌟 Final Challenge: The Legendary Quest
    • Exercise 8: Build the Leaderboard
  8. 🎖️ Rank System
  9. Closing Remarks

🗺️ Basic Navigation: TypeScript Types

Let’s start with the basics of TypeScript types. These exercises will help you understand how to define and use types effectively.

Exercise 1: The Crew Manifest

Task: Create a type definition for a crew member with the following properties:


Answer and Explanation:

type CrewMember = {
  name: string;
  role: "captain" | "firstMate" | "navigator" | "cook";
  yearsAtSea: number;
  skills: string[];
  isActive: boolean;


How to Use the Type:

You can now use the CrewMember type to define variables or function parameters.

const crewMember: CrewMember = {
  name: "Jack Sparrow",
  role: "captain",
  yearsAtSea: 15,
  skills: ["sword fighting", "navigation", "charisma"],
  isActive: true,

// Function that accepts a CrewMember
function introduceCrewMember(member: CrewMember) {
  console.log(`Ahoy! I'm ${member.name}, the ${member.role} of this ship.`);

// Output: Ahoy! I'm Jack Sparrow, the captain of this ship.

Validating Your Implementation:

To validate that your type definition is correct:

// This should cause a TypeScript error
const invalidCrewMember: CrewMember = {
  name: "Will Turner",
  role: "pirate", // Error: Type '"pirate"' is not assignable to type '"captain" | "firstMate" | "navigator" | "cook"'.
  yearsAtSea: 5,
  skills: ["sword fighting", "blacksmithing"],
  isActive: true,

Exercise 2: Ship’s Cargo

Task: Define a type for cargo items that includes:

Then, create a type that represents a cargo hold as an array of these items.


Answer and Explanation:

type CargoItem = {
  weight: number;
  value: number;
  isFragile: boolean;
  destination: string;

type CargoHold = CargoItem[];


How to Use the Types:

You can create cargo items and a cargo hold as follows:

const item1: CargoItem = {
  weight: 100,
  value: 5000,
  isFragile: false,
  destination: "Port Royal",

const item2: CargoItem = {
  weight: 20,
  value: 20000,
  isFragile: true,
  destination: "Tortuga",

const cargoHold: CargoHold = [item1, item2];

// Function to calculate total cargo value
function calculateTotalValue(cargo: CargoHold): number {
  return cargo.reduce((total, item) => total + item.value, 0);

console.log(`Total cargo value: ${calculateTotalValue(cargoHold)}`);
// Output: Total cargo value: 25000

Validating Your Implementation:

// This should cause a TypeScript error
const invalidItem: CargoItem = {
  weight: "heavy", // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
  value: 1000,
  isFragile: false,
  destination: "Nassau",

⚔️ Battle Stations: Functions & Error Handling

Now that you’re familiar with types, let’s move on to functions and error handling.

Exercise 3: Calculate Plunder Share

Task: Write a function that takes the total treasure value and the number of crew members, then returns each person’s share. Include error handling for invalid inputs.


Answer and Explanation:

function calculatePlunderShare(treasureValue: number, crewCount: number): number {
  if (treasureValue < 0) {
    throw new Error("Arr! Can't have negative treasure!");
  if (!Number.isInteger(crewCount) || crewCount <= 0) {
    throw new Error("Need at least one crew member to share the booty!");
  return Math.floor(treasureValue / crewCount);


How to Use the Function:

try {
  const share = calculatePlunderShare(10000, 5);
  console.log(`Each crew member gets ${share} gold coins.`);
  // Output: Each crew member gets 2000 gold coins.
} catch (error) {

try {
  const share = calculatePlunderShare(-5000, 5);
  // This will throw an error
} catch (error) {
  // Output: Arr! Can't have negative treasure!

try {
  const share = calculatePlunderShare(10000, 0);
  // This will throw an error
} catch (error) {
  // Output: Need at least one crew member to share the booty!

Validating Your Implementation:

🎯 Advanced Maneuvers: Working with Bun

Let’s integrate Bun into our exercises, exploring its capabilities alongside TypeScript.

Exercise 4: Event Processing

Task: Using the types from the tutorial, write a function that filters events by type and date range. Test it with the sample data.

Sample Data:

type BlueskyEventType = "post" | "like" | "repost" | "follow" | "reply" | "quote";

type BlueskyEvent = {
  type: BlueskyEventType;
  uri: string;
  did: string;
  createdAt: string;

const sampleEvents: BlueskyEvent[] = [
    type: "post",
    uri: "abc",
    did: "user1",
    createdAt: "2024-03-15T12:00:00Z",
    type: "like",
    uri: "def",
    did: "user2",
    createdAt: "2024-03-14T12:00:00Z",
    type: "post",
    uri: "ghi",
    did: "user3",
    createdAt: "2024-03-16T09:30:00Z",
  // Add more sample events as needed...


Answer and Explanation:

function filterEvents(
  events: BlueskyEvent[],
  type: BlueskyEventType,
  startDate: Date,
  endDate: Date
): BlueskyEvent[] {
  return events.filter((event) => {
    const eventDate = new Date(event.createdAt);
    return (
      event.type === type &&
      eventDate >= startDate &&
      eventDate <= endDate

// Example usage:
const startDate = new Date("2024-03-14T00:00:00Z");
const endDate = new Date("2024-03-16T00:00:00Z");
const filteredEvents = filterEvents(sampleEvents, "post", startDate, endDate);

console.log("Filtered Events:", filteredEvents);
Filtered Events: [
    type: "post",
    uri: "abc",
    did: "user1",
    createdAt: "2024-03-15T12:00:00Z",


Validating Your Implementation:

🗡️ Sword Fighting: Database Operations

Now we’ll delve into database operations using SQLite with Bun’s built-in support.

Exercise 5: The Ship’s Log

Task: Write SQLite queries to:

  1. Create a table for ship’s log entries.
  2. Insert a new log entry.
  3. Retrieve all entries for a specific date.
  4. Update the status of an entry.
  5. Delete entries older than 30 days.


Answer and Explanation:

import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";

const db = new Database("ship_log.db");

// 1. Create table
    date TEXT,
    entry TEXT,
    status TEXT,

// 2. Insert entry
const insertEntry = db.prepare(`
  INSERT INTO ship_log (date, entry, status)
  VALUES (?, ?, ?);

insertEntry.run("2024-03-15", "Spotted a Kraken off the starboard bow!", "Open");

// 3. Get entries by date
const getEntries = db.prepare(`
  SELECT * FROM ship_log
  WHERE date = ?;

const entries = getEntries.all("2024-03-15");
console.log("Entries for 2024-03-15:", entries);

// 4. Update status
const updateStatus = db.prepare(`
  UPDATE ship_log
  SET status = ?
  WHERE id = ?;

updateStatus.run("Closed", 1);

// 5. Delete old entries
  DELETE FROM ship_log
  WHERE date < date('now', '-30 days');


How to Validate Your Implementation:

🌊 High Seas Challenge: Build a Mini-Project

It’s time to combine what you’ve learned into a small project.

Exercise 6: The Pirate’s Logbook

Task: Create a simple CLI application using Bun that:

  1. Accepts log entries from the command line.
  2. Stores them in SQLite.
  3. Allows searching by date.
  4. Prints entries in a formatted table.

Bonus Points:


Answer and Explanation:

import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";
// Optional: Import a library for colorful output
// import chalk from "chalk";

// Initialize the database
const db = new Database("logbook.db");

    date TEXT,
    entry TEXT,
    weather TEXT

// Get command-line arguments
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
const command = args[0];

switch (command) {
  case "add":
  case "search":
  case "list":

function addEntryCommand(args: string[]) {
  if (args.length < 3) {
    console.error("Usage: add <date> <weather> <entry>");
  const [date, weather, ...entryParts] = args;
  const entry = entryParts.join(" ");
  addEntry(date, entry, weather);

function searchEntriesCommand(args: string[]) {
  if (args.length !== 1) {
    console.error("Usage: search <date>");
  const date = args[0];

function listEntriesCommand() {

function displayHelp() {
  console.log("Pirate's Logbook Commands:");
  console.log("  add <date> <weather> <entry>   - Add a new log entry");
  console.log("  search <date>                  - Search entries by date");
  console.log("  list                           - List all entries");

function addEntry(date: string, entry: string, weather: string) {
    "INSERT INTO logbook (date, entry, weather) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
  console.log("🏴‍☠️ Yarr! Entry added to the logbook!");

function searchEntries(date: string) {
  const entries = db.query("SELECT * FROM logbook WHERE date = ?").all(date);
  if (entries.length === 0) {
    console.log("No entries found for that date.");
  console.log(`\n=== Ship's Log for ${date} ===\n`);
  entries.forEach((entry: any) => {
    console.log(`Weather: ${entry.weather}`);
    console.log(`Entry: ${entry.entry}\n`);

function listEntries() {
  const entries = db.query("SELECT * FROM logbook ORDER BY date DESC").all();
  if (entries.length === 0) {
    console.log("The logbook is empty.");
  console.log("\n=== Ship's Log Entries ===\n");
  entries.forEach((entry: any) => {
    console.log(`Date: ${entry.date}`);
    console.log(`Weather: ${entry.weather}`);
    console.log(`Entry: ${entry.entry}\n`);


How to Run and Validate the Application:

  1. Add an Entry:
bun run pirate-logbook.ts add 2024-03-15 Sunny "Set sail towards the Caribbean."
  1. Search Entries by Date:
bun run pirate-logbook.ts search 2024-03-15
  1. List All Entries:
bun run pirate-logbook.ts list

Validating Your Implementation:

Bonus Implementations:

// import chalk from "chalk";

// In your functions, use chalk to style text
console.log(chalk.green("🏴‍☠️ Yarr! Entry added to the logbook!"));
function displayBanner() {
    ____  _     _     _       _           
   |  _ \\| |__ (_) __| | __ _| |_ ___  ___ 
   | |_) | '_ \\| |/ _\` |/ _\` | __/ _ \\/ __|
   |  __/| | | | | (_| | (_| | ||  __/\\__ \\
   |_|   |_| |_|_|\\__,_|\\__,_|\\__\\___||___/

// Call displayBanner() at the start of the application

🏆 Captain’s Challenge: System Design

Now, let’s tackle a higher-level challenge focused on system architecture.

Exercise 7: Scale the Fleet

Task: Design a system that can handle multiple ships’ worth of data. Consider:

  1. How would you shard the database?
  2. How would you handle concurrent updates?
  3. What caching strategy would you implement?
  4. How would you ensure data consistency?


Answer and Explanation:

# Fleet Scale Architecture Proposal

## 1. Database Sharding

- **Shard by Ship ID:**
  - Partition the database horizontally based on `ship_id`.
  - Each shard contains data for a subset of ships.
- **Advantages:**
  - Distributes load and improves performance.
  - Simplifies data retrieval for individual ships.
- **Considerations:**
  - Requires a routing mechanism to direct queries to the correct shard.
  - Cross-shard queries become more complex.

## 2. Handling Concurrent Updates

- **Optimistic Concurrency Control:**
  - Use version numbers or timestamps for records.
  - Upon update, check if the record has been modified since it was read.
- **Implementation:**
  - Include a `version` field in records.
  - If a conflict is detected, retry the operation or inform the user.
- **Benefits:**
  - Reduces lock contention.
  - Suitable for systems with frequent reads and fewer writes.

## 3. Caching Strategy

- **Use Distributed Caching (e.g., Redis):**
  - Cache frequently accessed data like ship statuses.
- **Cache Invalidation:**
  - Implement mechanisms to invalidate or update cache entries when underlying data changes.
- **Benefits:**
  - Reduces database load.
  - Improves response times for read-heavy operations.

## 4. Ensuring Data Consistency

- **Strong Consistency Models:**
  - Use transactions where necessary to maintain data integrity.
- **Eventual Consistency:**
  - Accept eventual consistency for less critical data to improve performance.
- **Data Replication:**
  - Employ master-slave replication with failover mechanisms.
- **Conflict Resolution:**
  - Define clear rules for resolving conflicts when they occur.

## Additional Considerations

- **Microservices Architecture:**
  - Decompose the system into services (e.g., Ship Service, Fleet Service).
- **API Gateway:**
  - Centralize API management for authentication and routing.
- **Monitoring and Logging:**
  - Implement logging and monitoring tools for visibility and debugging.


Designing a scalable system for multiple ships involves balancing performance, scalability, and consistency. By sharding the database, implementing appropriate concurrency controls, and using caching effectively, we can build a robust system capable of handling large amounts of data while maintaining integrity and performance.

Validating Your Implementation:

🌟 Final Challenge: The Legendary Quest

This is the ultimate test of your skills—a complete project that brings together everything you’ve learned.

Exercise 8: Build the Leaderboard

Task: Implement a complete leaderboard system that:

  1. Connects to the Bluesky firehose.
  2. Processes events in real-time.
  3. Maintains user rankings based on engagement.
  4. Provides API endpoints for querying the leaderboard.
  5. Includes a simple web interface to display rankings.


Bonus Points:

Answer and Explanation:

As this is a comprehensive project, here’s an outline to guide you:

  1. Project Setup:

    • Initialize a Bun project with TypeScript.
    • Set up the project directory structure.
  2. Connecting to the Bluesky Firehose:

    • Use Bun’s WebSocket support to connect to the Bluesky firehose.
    • Implement reconnection logic to handle connection drops.
    • Parse and validate incoming events.
  3. Processing Events:

    • Store events in an SQLite database.
    • Use appropriate data models and schemas.
    • Calculate user metrics and engagement scores.
    • Update the leaderboard based on these metrics.
  4. Creating API Endpoints:

    • Use Bun’s HTTP server capabilities to create RESTful endpoints.
    • Implement endpoints for retrieving leaderboard data.
  5. Web Interface:

    • Build a frontend using a framework like React or plain HTML/CSS/JS.
    • Fetch data from the API and display the leaderboard.
  6. Error Handling and Logging:

    • Implement robust error handling throughout the application.
    • Use logging to record events and errors.
  7. Documentation:

    • Write clear setup instructions in a README.md file.
    • Include information about configuration and dependencies.

How to Validate Your Implementation:


🎖️ Rank System

Track your progress with these ranks:

Remember, matey:

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

— Martin Fowler, Pirate of the Caribbean Code

Closing Remarks

Congratulations on making it through the Buccaneer’s Training Manual! Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, continuous learning and practice are key to mastering the art of coding.

Now, set sail and may the winds of TypeScript be at your back! 🏴‍☠️

Happy Coding!